Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stupid Advice in the Toronto Star

You will read nada in this piece in the Toronto Star by a Columbia U. history prof (a useful idiot double-header) about the sharia imperitive and how it drives the faithful to want to enshrine Allah's law as the state's modus operandi. Instead, the prof blames the U.S.--for Iran's theocracy, for Egypt's crumbling autocracy--and urges everyone to accept the inevitablity of the Muslim Brotherhood's dominance:
Washington’s reluctance to embrace a post-Mubarak Egypt reflects gratitude for his past support of American policies in the Middle East. But even more it reflects a fear that the Muslim Brotherhood will somehow emerge as the dominant force in a new Egypt. Yet it was precisely America’s decision to cushion the Shah’s fall and defy popular demands that he be held responsible for his autocratic rule that led to the Iranian hostage crisis.
There is no way of knowing how Iranian-American relations would have developed if America’s diplomats had not been held prisoner for 444 days. But that highly dramatized rebuke of American policy was clearly the tipping point in America’s demonization of the Islamic Republic, and vice versa. And it paved the way for America’s support, first tacit and later overt, for Saddam Hussein’s invasion of Iran.
There is no way of knowing how Iranian-Amerian relations would have developed? Yes there is. With the sharia-fiends in charge, America would still be Satan personified. And if the Ikhwan prevails in Egypt and the other falling Arab dominoes--same thing, only worse.

Remember, people, there is a religious conspiracy to rule the globe, only it isn't secret and it isn't Jewish. It's the Ikhwan.

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