Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Iggy and the Old Folks At Home

Iggy and his Liberal stooges have a scathingly ingenious plan for pandering to ethnic voters upholding the family structure: restore the family "reunification" program that enables Canadians to import the folks from back home, including the old folks from back home--grandparents and even great-grandparents.

Yeah, because if there's one thing the land could really use as the baby boomers edge e'er closer to senescence and make humongous demands on an already tapped-out socialized heath care system it's an infusion of alte kachers (with all their health complaints) from the Third World.


  1. ag, no. I want my family members to remain on other continents, thankyou Iggy.

    Family "reunification" is a joke anyway ....

  2. But "Oma" is so cute and wise--and we miss her cooking so much (channeling grateful ethnic Iggy voter).

  3. :)

    Oma will get plenty of time to cook when she's stashed in the basement, forbidden from learning English and kept as a childminder/slave, with her only respite being the increasingly lengthy stays in hospital. Which is "free" don't forget :)
