Saturday, April 30, 2011

Lest We Forget

Jack Layton was one of the select few to be tapped by Canucki Khomeinist outfit CASMO to receive one of its "You're Our Kind of Dhimmi" clocks:


  1. Perhaps they wanted him to have that clock so he can time the length of his 'temporary marriage' with a massage parlour worker....

  2. Thanks to you Scar, you provided the perfect picture for my piece over at Landmark earlier this month:

  3. Xanthippa--"Your 20 minutes are up, Mr. Layton, but DO come again." (Earlier this evening my husband, who did a lot of physical activity today, said, "I'm stiff." And I said, finishing his sentence, "As Jack Layton said to his masseuse.)

    KK--Happy to be of service.
