Thursday, April 7, 2011

Nice 'Work' If You Can Get It...

...and you can get it if you're a hateful "revert" with an enormous sense of entitlement. From the Daily Mail:
A middle-class security guard who converted to Islam to preach hate towards Britain lives in a £1,000 tax-payer-funded luxury flat, it emerged today.

Rich Dart, 28, worked for the BBC before he became a Muslim and changed his name to Salahuddin to brand British troops 'murderers' and peddle Muslim extremism.

But he has been branded a 'hypocrite' after it emerged that he takes benefits off the same state he claims to despise.

The fanatic was pictured hanging out the washing on the balcony of a £300,000 two-bedroom apartment next to a picturesque canal in Bow, East London.
He claims £1,000 in housing benefit and receives £64-a-week in Jobseekers Allowance to maintain his lifestyle, according to the Sun.

The total figure amounts to £1,256-a-month but the borough is one of the most deprived in Britain, with soaring rates of child poverty.

The plush, open-plan flat is said to include a designer kitchen and glass-fronted sliding doors that open onto a balcony.

A £500,000 roof garden is included in the complex which gives panoramic views across London.

Neighbours are believed to include TV presenter Kelly Adams. Owners paid up to £425,000 for the properties.

But the religions convert is currently unemployed, choosing instead to spend his time preaching against the West.

He has even complained about his upmarket flat...
You don't expect him to seek gainful employement when it would cut into his all-important da'wa time, do you? Sheesh.

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