Thursday, April 7, 2011

Noblesse Annoys

Anyone else skeeved out by Michael Ignatieff, he of the chilly aristocratic/ivory tower hauteur, trying (condescending) to act all folksy and man-of-the-people-ish? It reminds me of the way John Kerry and the Missus went slumming when he was seeking highest office. Not that it strikes the Toronto Star's Bob Hepburn that way. He, for one, thinks Iggy has been acquitting himself very well of late, and has a chance during the upcoming debate to prove how much warmer 'n' cuddlier he is than Stephen Harper:
That’s why Ignatieff, who has emerged over the first 12 days of the election as a surprisingly smooth, confident-sounding campaigner compared with Harper’s peek-a-boo-style of campaigning, must score a decisive win in next Tuesday’s leaders’ debate on English-language television.

The debate will be his last big chance to portray an image of himself as a confident, likeable and trustworthy leader — not as a cold, condescending policy wonk that now seems to define his persona...
Hey, it worked for the Kerrys, right?

I'd like to thank Bob for inspiring this one--a song Iggy might sing were he inclined to accept the awful reality that whatever else he is, he's no "charismatic" Pierre E. Trudeau:

I am me as he was he as he's not me
As they made me the leader.
See how I run, I make it look like fun;
I'm trying.
Sitting on an airplane,
Thinking with my big brain,
Cogitation: leftist,
Lots and lots of big gifts.
Man, you've been a busy guy,
You let your face grow long.
I am the Ig-man,
I am the Ig-man,
I'm the al-bat-ross.
(Pee ee true dough, pee ee true dough...)

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