Monday, April 11, 2011

Shedding Light on the Mausoleum Debacle

A column by Dan Lett in the Winnipeg Free Press explains how we were saddled with the fine mess of an edifice that cheerleads for the vastly devalued concept of "human rights":
It is important to note that the very genesis of the project, the brainchild of Winnipeg entrepreneur Israel Asper, was to give Canada an institution that marked the Holocaust and Canada's role in it. An assault by the small-minded and ashamed defeated earlier efforts to do just that. The CMHR is the remedy for that injustice.
No it's not. It's a museum whose existence makes no sense whatsoever, something Canadians are now waking up to since they're the ones being stuck with the bill. And what a bizarre rationale for the mausoleum's existence--to rectify the "injustice" of  it not being a Holocaust museum. I'm glad to know, though, that that's what Asper originally wanted it to be, since it makes a whole lot more sense than what the project has become--a taxpayer-funded shrine to victimhood that showcases atrocity porn and that somehow hopes to use the Holocaust to advance the modern "human rights" agenda (the one that's divesting us of freedom and endeavouring to destroy the Jewish State, thereby finally completing Hitler's Final Solution). That's not just illogical, not just, well, nuts, it insults and defames the memory of the very Jews it seeks to honour.

Update: My amiga Closet Conservative comments:
Our responsibility is to make reality known and understood, however unpalatable it is. We must direct our funds and energy to current wars, rather than those won despite unbearable losses of human life. We must force eyes onto the real enemy that faces us from the Muslim world, name it, and not retreat into beating down the German Nazis in our collective imaginations over and over again through various shrines to wishful thinking.
Right on, sister!

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