Sunday, May 1, 2011

Dear 'Leaker'

To Whom It May Concern (a.k.a. whoever leaked the nekkid Layton story),

I don't know whether your mischief will have the desired effect--i.e. Layton's deflation. Be that as it may, you have my undying gratitude for infusing what was shaping up to be a fairly routine weekend with scads of hilarity, mirth and Benny Hill-ian badinage.

Know this: when it comes to extracting every laugh, wresting every last chuckle, from this delectably sordid tale, in the words of both Jack Layton and his masseuse: "I won't stop until the job is done!"

Yours truly (and truly amused),



  1. I've always thought that Jack's middle name must start with the letter "U". Now we have proof.
