Friday, May 6, 2011

Sheema Sez Onus On Infidels to Keep North American Muslims Happy

Osama is dead, and CAIR-CAN founder and occasional Glib and Mewl "sage" Sheema Khan is relieved because now North American Muslims have a chance to get on with their lives:
Since Sept. 11, 2001, he had come to symbolize Islam. This infuriated Muslims who called North America home, who wanted to live in peace with their neighbours, forge a better life for their children, and contribute to the well-being of their nation. The bin Laden version was so antithetical to the Islam that Muslims had known and lived. He had hijacked their faith, and they paid dearly for it.
Lives were turned upside down under the glare of media and security agencies. From schoolyard taunts to vandalized mosques to extraordinary rendition – Muslim communities across North America felt under siege. And many blamed Mr. bin Laden for the new reality thrust upon them.
The events of 9/11 had a serious impact on the integration of Muslim immigrants. The constant burden of suspicion added to the many challenges faced by burgeoning Muslim communities, especially the youth. Corrosive identity politics may take root if inclusiveness does not replace distrust.
The greatest challenge to integration is not terrorism, since the overwhelming majority of Muslims reject it outright. Rather, gender equality, religion in the public sphere (especially in Quebec) and freedom of expression will be the main points of friction.
Funny, I thought the greatest challenge was Muslims bringing inappropriate "customs" (FGM, "honour" killings, sharia-decreed female subjugation, Islam's conflation of mosque and state, etc.) into Canada. Silly moi! But what else can we kafirs do to ameliorate things, "Ms." Sheema?
The past decade reminds us that we must have a greater awareness of foreign policy and conflicts overseas. Government actions abroad do reflect upon all of us, whether it’s the sale of cancer-causing asbestos, participation in NATO missions or the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. With Canada’s diminished role in Afghanistan, there will be less oxygen for domestic jihadis. Yet conflicts in Somalia, Kashmir and Chechnya will continue to resonate with a fringe minority. Let’s find ways to channel youthful zeal into constructive projects.
Yeah, that'll work.

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