Friday, June 3, 2011

Zion-Loathers Slippery When All Wet

The Zion-loathers hate--hate--when you point out that their logic is flawed and that far from being the humanitarians they claim to be they are really little more than the jihad's useful idiots. Such is the case with the following two Zion-loathing non-hetero chicks, who, in lefty freebie rag NOW magazine, are in a snit because people still like and support Israel (when "everyone" knows it's the worst "human rights" abridger in the whole entire world, the "reason" the Zion-loathers loathe it so much):
Pride politics get slippery
Let’s put the controversy about Pride funding in its broader context. Ben Spurr implies that the pro-Palestinian speakers jeopardized Pride and writes that the debate regarding Palestine was “interminable” and “depressing.” Well, we’re sorry to disrupt his comfort. Pardon us while we take every opportunity to speak out against Israeli apartheid.
The issue here is the escalating attacks on our right to criticize the sovereign state of Israel’s violations of international and humanitarian law.
That was certainly the rhetoric we heard at City Hall on Tuesday, May 24. We’ve reached the slippery slope. Which side are you on?
Sue Goldstein, Naomi Binder Wall
Well, Sue, Naomi, I'm on the side of truth, reality, freedom and Western civilization. You two, on the other hand, appear to be on the other side--the side of Big Lies, errant nonsense, sharia law and the resurgent jihad.

In other words, the wrong side.

1 comment:

  1. The issue here is the escalating attacks on our right to criticize ...


    They have every right to criticize.
    BUT, so do others to criticize them.

    If they don't like the fact that liars always get shut down because they are exposed as liars, too bad for them.

    [such stupid hissy-fit cry-baby liars.]
