Monday, July 4, 2011

'Let My Gaza Boat Go!'

The Tahrirers have been intercepted and sent back to port by Greek authorities (dare we call it a flotilla interruptus?). This despite having penned the following oleaginous entreaty to Greek MPs:
Respected Member of Greek Parliament;
In contrast to the Canadian Government’s position towards the people of Palestinian, which has for years been biased in favour of Israel, as exemplified by Canada's vote against a UN ceasefire resolution during Israel's attack on Gaza in January 2009, Greece has always been a fair supporter of Palestinian rights. We understand the extreme pressure that Greece has been put under during its difficult economic crisis.However, we call on you not to let that be a reason for your great country to act unjustly or to be manipulated by Israel or anyone else. 
We ask that you continue what has been your historical position: defending human rights and international law.    
As a member of Greek Parliament, we request you to act on behalf of true democracy and demand that the Greek government reverse its current position blockading the Freedom Flotilla II boats (and the hundreds of civilian human rights defenders and journalists who are on board) in Greek ports and allow the boats to sail to Gaza without delay.  
The Canadian Boat to Gaza, the Tahrir, and all the Freedom Flotilla II boats have nothing but noble aims; to show solidarity with the blockaded population of Gaza, to deliver much needed humanitarian aid to them, and to non-violently challenge Israel's illegal blockade of the Gaza Strip, which violates international law and inflicts grave hardship on the 1.6 million residents of the Strip.  
Please allow the ships to leave and go to the people of Gaza. 
Yours Sincerely,
Canada Gaza Boat
No dice, boatniks. You'll have to earn your martrydom in some other way, 'kay?

Update: The lastest is that the Tahrir may be sinking (in more ways than one, eh?).

1 comment:

  1. "to deliver much needed humanitarian aid to them,".

    Details please !!!!! Taqqiya at work!
