Monday, July 4, 2011

'Tahrir' Cry Babies

Via rabble (of course):
An update from the steering committee of the Canadian Boat to Gaza.  
As news started to spread that the flotilla plans to sail from Greece on Monday the Israeli media is now reporting on a Greek-Israeli agreement to deliver the flotilla aid supplies destined for Gaza through "existing channels".
Remember, there is NO Greek offer to the flotilla. There is only media reports about a deal between Greece and Israel.
Our goals (CBG and FF-II) have always been clear and central in them is ending the illegal blockade of Gaza. From day one we have maintained that the so called "existing channels" are not adequate and are unacceptable. They have not and will not resolve the problems facing the people of Gaza.
We call on you to continue to pressure Greece to lift the blockade it imposed on the Canadian Boat to Gaza (the Tahrir) and other FF-II boats (details below).
To quote Richard Falk, American professor of international law and a UN appointee to the Palestinian territories: "Greece has no right to detain foreign-flagged ships in its ports other than for purposes of assuring seaworthiness via timely inspection. And they cannot interfere with 'innocent passage' through their territorial waters, and this passage is definitely innocent."... 
To quote Richard Falk? That wretched "rapporteur"? That zany Zion-loather? You think that's going to help make your case?

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic.

Update: The UN's Dick Falk is second only to Noam Chomsky on the list of Jewish scoundrels, aiders and abettors of Zionhass, who are on the wrong side of history.

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