Monday, September 5, 2011

Arab News Lies About Bat Ye'or to Serve Its Own Wahhabi Ends

In a bid to cast aspersions on "Zionists" and other freedom-lovers (who supposedly comprise an "Islamophobia industry" intent on "expanding settlements in the occupied Palestinian lands"), an Arab News editorial repeats the slander that Bat Ye'or, the historian who coined the terms "dhimmitude" and "Eurabia," regretted that her writings had inspired Anders Breviks' murderous spree:

Here's what she really said:
The immediate rush of the press upon authors mentioned in the writing attributed to the criminal looks like a set up campaign to make them responsible for this crime perpetrated by a psychopath whom no one knew except the police. It is clear that it is a libelous campaign to suppress any criticism and free thinking.
This sudden smear campaign and accusations against authors who live in different countries miles away from Norway, authors that governments want to silence, is very suspicious. Now more things are known: the text of the man could be a fabrication put together at the last minute; the police knew the criminal, yet he could buy all this ammunition and do this massive massacre by himself. And now, authors, writers and politicians disliked by the Norwegian Leftist government are accused of having inspired, by their democratic criticism, this massive crime that the police should have prevented, because this is their duty to do so. Something smells in all that. Is this a new tactic to suppress free thinking and free culture? Universities? Books that displease the regime?  
Are we going back to dictatorial Nazi or communist regimes, burning books and fabricating proofs to label people?

I do not think that this international campaign against intellectuals will in any way benefit the Leftist Norwegian government, which itself sponsors hatred and violence against another people. It is this government that has to make some self-examination before spreading another media campaign of hate.

Bat Ye’or
Closing in on ten years since 9/11, inspiring words indeed.

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