Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Attention: Jews of Thornhill

Don't be bamboozled into voting for Candidate Farber just because his leader has earmarked an extra 50Gs to fight "hate crimes," even if the candidate tells you it's a terrific move:
But Bernie Farber, who also attended Thursday’s announcement, said York Region has been a powerful mentor to communities across Canada.
The force’s hate crimes investigative team has grown exponentially, he said, from a two-member team in 1984 to the 21 members today. 
“York Region police get it. They understand the impact of hate crimes.”
They "understand" it so well that their former police chief got in line with the other dummkopfs to get a "good going, dhimmi" gift from the Khomeinists, the same ones who hold an annual Zionhass Seethe-a-thon at Queen's Park. (You would have thought someone at York Region police would have googled the gift-givers before their chief went ahead and made an idiot of himself.)

How many of Dalton's "anti-hate" shekels do you suppose will go to fight CASMO-style hatred? I venture to say: not a one.

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