Saturday, September 10, 2011

The CIC's 'Real Motive' Is Zionhass

On the occasion of 9/11's 10th you won't find any soul-searching or hand-wringing (about, say, the jihad imperative embedded in Islam's core texts) over at the Canadian Islamic Congress. Not when it, along with redoubtable Robert Fisk, can blame the horror on (say it along with me now) the Joooooos:
But I’m drawn to Anthony Summers and Robbyn Swan, whose The Eleventh Day confronts what the West refused to face in the years that followed 9/11. “All the evidence … indicates that Palestine was the factor that united the conspirators – at every level,” they write. One of the organizers of the attack believed it would make Americans concentrate on “the atrocities that America is committing by supporting Israel.” Palestine “was certainly the principal political grievance … driving the young Arabs (who had lived) in Hamburg.”
The real motivation for the attacks was “ducked” even by the official 9/11 report, say the authors. The commissioners had disagreed and its two most senior officials, Thomas Kean and Lee Hamilton, were later to explain: “This was sensitive ground … Commissioners who argued that al-Qaida was motivated by a religious ideology – and not by opposition to American policies – rejected mentioning the Israeli-Palestinian conflict … In their view, listing U.S. support for
Israel as a root cause of al-Qaida’s opposition to the United States indicated that the United States should reassess that policy.” And there you have it.
So what happened? The commissioners, Summers and Swan state, “settled on vague language that circumvented the issue of motive.” There’s a hint of it in the official report, but only in a footnote which, of course, few read. In other words, we still haven’t told the truth about the crime which “changed the world for ever.” Mind you, after watching Obama on his knees before Netanyahu last May, I’m really not surprised.
When the Israeli Prime Minister gets even the U.S. Congress to grovel to him, the American people are not going to be told the answer to the most important and “sensitive” question of 9/11: Why?
Why? Because the U.S. Congress admires and supports Israel, a freedom-loving liberal democracy like America, and the only bright spot in an otherwise wretched and un-free region.

Simple as that, really.

As for the rest of the above--after years of blowing things up for Allah, Osama threw in that Palestine business rather late in the game, knowing full well that the slavering Zion-loathers would pick it up and run with it, as indeed they have. (In some ways, he was pretty astute, that Osama.)

Nice try, though, Bob and Wahida.

BTW, Wahida loves that piece of "interfaithy" drivel in the NYT that pimps for sharia, too.

Given that the CIC is nothing more than the Sunni version of CASMO, both of which spend an inordinate amount of time in a froth, fomenting hatred against Israel, isn't it time to wrest control of Canada's official "Islamic History Month" (really, an annual exercise in da'wa chicanery) from the CIC?

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