Monday, September 12, 2011

Clueless Jews Do Islamists' Heavy Lifting

From ShalomLife:
Rabbi Eric Yoffie, President of the Union of Reform Judaism, was just one of the notable Jewish leaders who were part of an event held on September 8, organized to combat Islamaphobia in time for the tenth anniversary of the 9/11 terror attacks that obliterated New York’s World Trade Centre. 
Another rabbi who participated in the event – organized byShoulder to Shoulder - held at a New York church was Steve Gutow, President of the Jewish Council for Public Affairs.

"Ten years after 9/11, it has somehow become respectable to verbally attack Muslims and Islam in America," Rabbi Yoffie told the crowd. "There are very real consequences when entire populations are represented in the public imagination by their worst elements, when the sins of the few are applied to the group as a whole. I have watched in astonishment as prominent politicians, including candidates for president of the United States, have found it politically opportune to peddle divisive anti-Muslim bigotry."

"A great people and a great nation do not let their brothers and sisters suffer from bigotry and persecution," Rabbi Gutow said. "Our Muslim brothers and sisters suffer exactly that in all corners of this great country of ours. Today is a day to stand up and say we have had enough."
Er, Eric and Steve do know that "Islamophobia" is not akin to anti-Semitism but is the term Islamists invented to prevent kafirs from criticizing certain problematic aspects of Islam (the ones that imperil Western civ.), don't they?

Don't they?

BTW, clueless dhimmi rabbis: you can stand up and say you've had enough all you want: they're still going to hate you.

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