Monday, September 12, 2011

For the TDSB, 9/11 Affords Another Opportunity to Indoctinate the Moppets in Squish

Here's a "heart-warming" tale from those wonderful folks who brought you the mosqueteria:
Give Peace a Chance
Student returns to her school ten years later to talk about peace and remembering 9/11
 On September 12, 2001, Summit Heights PS teacher Arpi Greco and her Grade 3 students began the school day like so many other days before. Except it was a day that was different than any other. The world had changed the day before and, like so many other people, the students tried to help each other understand what had happened and what the future held.
In Greco's class, the students talked about what happened. "We discussed hate and what they thought was the root cause of such violence," said Greco. "Many of them made connections to the Holocaust and then we dug deeper to examine how wars start and why, the effects of stereotypes and prejudice, and after that we discussed peace."
The class read a book called Peace Begins with Me. The students talked about the individual choices people make and how they can make a difference. They brainstormed ideas about peace and set out to write what peace meant to each of them. "The result," said Greco "was these incredibly poignant pieces of writing that came out of raw emotion and what I like to consider as the innate ability for human beings to believe in the ultimate good in people."
Greco collected the stories and made a book for every child in the class to keep. Many in that class remained friends over the years, bound by that day, that event, that lesson on peace, and by growing up together, learning, playing, and laughing together.
Greco kept the stories of every student in her class. During the first week of school this year, she created a display of the stories in the main hallway of the school. The display, called "Pieces About Peace: Remembering 9/11," allowed a new generation of students ten years later to reflect on the writings and what peace means to them...
For some of them, no doubt, "peace" means "jihad is the way, sharia is the goal"; that's certainly what "peace" meant to the 9/11 attackers (who believed in the "ultimate good" of Islam, along with the "ultimate reward" of hot Heavenly honeys). But we musn't allow any of that unpleasantness to intrude on all the warm 'n' fuzzy "peace" palaver, for that would collide with "the ultimate good in people" bollocks they're forcing down the kiddies' throats.


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