Sunday, November 6, 2011

Gaza Boatnik's Delusions of Grandeur

From CNN:
Asked by the Israeli Navy for their destination, Canadian activist Ehab Lotayef replied, "The conscience of humanity," the activists said in a statement.
When sailors repeated the question, asking for their final destination, Lotayef said, "The betterment of mankind."
Oh brother. Cap'n Ehab really needs to get over himself.

Update: Boatniks in a Jew pokey! Cue the Jailhouse Rock! (Hat tip: BCF)


  1. As I read Mr. Heap's bathetic plaint, Kathy Shaidle's wickedly witty observation, that "[Such-and-such] is like hiding Nazis in your attic during World War II," sprang to mind . . . with the codicil that, given that many of the "Boatniks" appear to be Jewish, a better if more bitter witticism might be that, for many of the Boatniks, their actions are like the Franks hiding Nazis in their attic during WWII.

    Speaking of revised witticisms, Robert Frost's famous observation--which, I know, I know, I've used many times in these comments . . . but, hey, it fits--that, "A liberal is a man too broadminded to take his own side in a quarrel," should now be revised to, "A liberal is a man so narrow-minded that he must take the other man's side in a quarrel."

  2. It should be apparent to all by now that the boatniks' antics are all about their grandstanders/narcissists desperate for their 15 minutes in the spotlight. Too bad for them the spotlight is now shining on the "Arab Spring" and the noxious, bloody Islamist fruits it has borne. With Gaddaffi getting sodomized and Assad still pretty much mowing down the populace with impunity, the adventures of a bunch of sanctimonious Canucki Zion-loathers don't amount to a hill of garbanzo beans (a.k.a.chick peas) in this crazy world.
