Sunday, November 13, 2011

"Moderate" In the Muslim Brotherhood Sense of the Word

The Ottawa Citizen is delighted to report that Egypt has tapped a new dude to assume imamly duties in that city—and, boy, is he ever "moderate":
After an exhaustive search, [Samy] Metwally beat out five other candidates for the job. Mahmud said Metwally fits the bill perfectly because he has not only the necessary Islamic knowledge and grounding in Arabic, he also has the right temperament. And in a diverse community like Ottawa where English is critical, his language skills are very good.
“You need someone who is open, knowledgeable, has a good command of English and Arabic, and can communicate easily with youth, women and members of the community regardless of ethnic background,” Mahmud said.
“You also need someone who can present Islam in its true form — moderation, flexibility, love for others and an understanding that people have a right to hold different views. He has all the qualities and he is the right man for the time.”
Let's see--he's from Egypt...he's fluent in English...he's an acolyte of the Muslim Brotherhood's Yusuf al Qaradawi (he helped translate Q's Tahrir Square speech and used to be an editor over at Qaradawi's IslamOnLine site)...

What's that you say? There was no mention of the Qaradawi connection in the Citizen piece?

Funny, that.

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