The louts/layabouts/losers who had a smashing time smashing and grabbing in London last summer have been interviewed by the score and, apparently, there's a reason why they felt compelled to act in such an anti-social, Clockwork Orange-y way. It's not that they were the sort who reveled in mob violence. It's not that, being poorly brought up, they were entirely lacking in any moral compass. It's not that, presented with the opportunity to get luxury items for free, they simply helped themselves. No, the reason behind it all, according to this most intensive of studies, is--get this--they were upset with police.
There's bollocks. And then there's super-duper-mega-bollocks. This study, I suggest, is the latter.
Well, duh, yeah . . . of course they were upset with the police . . . for the same reason, and showing the same degree of maturity, as when I thought my parents were oppressive monsters for not letting me stay up to watch trashy late movies when I was in elementary school.