Sunday, December 4, 2011

"Sha Shtill" Back in Fashion?

Delusional American Jews (i.e. Democratic-for-life ones) who are dumb enough to want to re-elect an administration which blames Zionhass on the Jews have, alas, reverted to a tired and embarrassing M.O. (I quote from the print version of Commentary magazine; the online version--though not this particular tidbit--can be found here):
Can We Talk About Israel?
The often contentious relationship between the Obama administration and Israel has been the subject of intense and growing controversy, as surveys show a decline in Jewish support for the president. But the Anti-Defamation League and the American Jewish Committee have issued a "Jewish Unity Pledge" that requires those signing it to shut up about Israel during the coming election. The motivation for shutting down speech about Israel was partisan in nature. But just as disquieting is the notion that criticism of the administration would serve as a causus belli against Israel by a reelected Barack Obama. The idea that supporters of Israel should silence their voices out of fear is a vestige of an era when Jews feared advocating for themselves and their people. Of course, there was no such calls from the ADL and the AJC when the first President Bush acted in a hostile fashion toward Israel. But he was a Republican. 
Update: No wonder Donkeycrat Jews want the tribe to shut up/sha shtill about Israel. As Barry Rubin writes:
Despite the satisfactory state of relations on a purely military level, the Obama administration is not a friend of Israel, even to the extent that it was arguably so in the first two years of this presidency.

It is now an enemy; it is on the other side. 

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