A few weeks ago [Abe] Foxman and [David] Harris [of the lefty ADL] criticized those like myself—I assume they meant me, too—for playing partisan politics with Israel. “Partisan politics,” what? For God’s sake I campaigned in Florida for almost ten days for Obama, giving the Jews the message that my candidate should be their candidate, one reason being that I was convinced he grasped the intrinsic intricacies of the issue. I now believe he doesn’t and that, what’s more, it may be his emotions that lead him astray. But I don’t actually believe that his emotions lead him anywhere. He is committed to what he is committed, and I believe he is committed to Palestine. Palestine by hook or by crook. By hook and by crook. However much Israel is endangered.I must beg to differ re "his emotions," Marty. I believe he's being led astray by his head, not his heart, by his skewed (leftist) worldview, not his feelings.
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Martin Peretz Has Obama Buyer's Remorse
He's finally figured out that leftists have no problem with "partisan politics" so long as you're a paristan for their politics:
Martin Peretz is a smart guy--he was one of the few liberal voices of reason during the latter part of the Cold War, on the pages of the _New Republic_; but he reifies the observation I made some time ago as a comment on Scaramouche's blog: many American Jews have an unrequited love relationship with black Americans that doesn't let them see the plain truth of the matter--much like an abused wife who refuses to acknowledge her husband's abusiveness. If, as Scaramouche says, Obama " . . . is being led astray by his head, not his heart . . . ," Jewish intellectuals like Peretz are being led astray (in their estimation of Obama) by their hearts, not their heads.