Friday, January 6, 2012

Obama's Bonkers Jobs M.O.: Slag Your Friends; Embrace Your Enemies

Lemme get this straight: On the one hand, bowing to pressure from B-D list Hollywood celebs, Obama put the kibosh on the Keystone XL pipeline, a deal involving America's best friend and biggest trading partner, the free, democratic nation of Canada, that would have created jobs galore for Americans. On the other hand, he green-lighted a deal to sell arms to Saudi Arabia, one of the most repressive nations on the planet, the one that's exporting its extremist brand of Islam to mosques and madrassahs in North America because the "deal will provide at least 50,000 jobs to Americans—good PR at a time of great economic distress."


  1. _I_ (and most Americans) consider Canada a good fried of the U. S., and I would very much like to see a project that would benefit both countries economically--not least by providing thousands of well-remunerated and truly productive jobs on both sides of the border--go forward. And I agree with Scaramouche's assessment of Wahabi World . . . but I very much doubt Mr. Obama sees things in quite the same way. He and his acolytes quite simply do not want the U. S. (or [still] honkie Canada) to be energy-secure and or an industrial powerhouse; he would much rather see us sink into genteel green poverty, not least because that would take the imperialist starch out of us. (Naturally, some of the animals, those with elevated sensibilities, have greater needs than the others and should not be expected to share in the decline of living standards.)

    As Socrates said and Plato wrote, men always seek the good; they just often have markedly different concepts of what the good is.

  2. Very true. That's why Obama can't see that his "good" is bad for America, Americans, and the West in general. It is, however, "good" for the wacky Wahhabists and their mission.
