Thursday, January 5, 2012

The Persistence of Evil Judenhass

Thought I'd share a para from my "read" du jour, A Geneology of Evil: Anti-Semitism from Nazism to Islamic Jihad, by David Patterson. What follows is in the book's Introduction (italics are in the original):
The evil that surrounds the Jihadist love for death lies in a love for the death of the other human being--specifically, the death of the Jew. That is what they love--not the death of oneself for the sake of another; not the death that affirms life and forbids us to murder. No, the Jihadists love inflicting death: witness the mass celebrations that occurred throughout the Muslim world over the murders committed on 9/11. The Jihadists love inflicting death so much that they are literally dying to kill--or rather, they are bent on indoctrinating their children in the desperate longing to kill, as stipulated in Article Eighteen of the Hamas "Charter of Allah." Here and elsewhere their discourse makes it clear that they have no love for the One who forbids both self-murder and the murder of others. Simply stated, the Islamic Jihadists' love for death is a love for murder, a love for making their children into murderers. Murder is as much a defining feature of Islamic Jihadism as, in the words of Emil Fackenheim, it was the "pure essence" of "the Nazi empire." There lies the essence of Jihadist evil.

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