Thursday, February 9, 2012

Gay Pranksters Bombard Republicans With "Glitter" Bombs; Obama-Besotted MSM Finds It All Most Amusing

Isn't it just high-larious how gay rights activists keep showing their disdain for Republican presidential candidates by assailing them with "glitter bombs"? Don't you think the media would be equally tickled were, say, Republicans to do something similar--fly tiny paper Solyndra airplanes or disperse lots of "hopenchange" confetti when Obama is out and about? Of course it wouldn't. Not only because, as POTUS, Obama must be protected from such pranks on the off-chance that they could harm him, but also because, well, if a Republican happens to inhale some gay glitter, and worse case scenario, aspirates it and croaks, that would still be kind of funny because everyone knows that Republican are uptight squares who hate gays and glitter, and who would therefore be getting their just desserts.

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