Gingrich gets $10 million from a pro-Israeli Los Vegas billionaire who liked his false assertion that Palestinians are “an invented people.” With the donation, he resurrected his candidacy in North Carolina and won.
Candidates say what donors want to hear. Sometimes they say bizarre things to attract donors. They do so not because they are as dumb. They are performing for their paymasters.
Gingrich rails against “gay and secular fascism” or, alternatively, the “secular, liberal, socialist machine.” Both pose “as great a threat to America as Nazi Germany or the Soviet Union.”
He, Rick Santorum, Michelle Bachman and Rick Perry don’t like Muslims, either. Sharia is around the corner, as was communism in the 1950s.
Santorum says young Muslims should be profiled — “absolutely.” America should dread all Muslims, not make the same mistake as Europe, which “is on the way to losing.” How so? “Islamic Europeans” (sic) have a higher birth rate than “westernized Europeans.” ...What's "scarier" and more "extreme"--Islamic supremacism and creeping sharia, or people who sound the alarm about it? Since Harpoon has a vested interest in furthering the former, it's no surprise he'd be hyperventilating about the latter--blaming the messengers, so to speak.
All in all, it's quite Alinsky of him.
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