Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sheikh Kutty (of Toronto) Weighs In--There Can Be No "Peace" Between Muslims and Jews While the Zionist Entity Is Still Around

In onIslam's popular "Ask the Imam" feature (coming soon to the Globe and Mail?), an Israeli named Gadi writes:
My name is Gadi and I’m an Israeli Jew by definition. I feel very sad that there is hatred between Jews and Muslims. I grow with love in my heart to all human beings because we are all brothers, and I met very good Muslims and we became good friends. Many Muslims are taught to hate Israelis or Zionists and are calling to wipe Israel out. Me and many of my Israeli brothers want peace with the Palestinians, but feel that there is no one to talk to, because groups like hamas want to wipe Israel out. The Jewish people have a right to live in peace and security just like any other people. Will Islam ever recognize the Jews right for their own land? Or is it a lost battle? Sallam Allekum and love and peace to all Muslims. Gadi.
Imam Kutty responds (the bolded Allah bit is his):
You have raised a very important issue. It is only fair for us to consider this by referring to the context.

The relationship between Muslims and Jews was not as sour as it is today before the creation of Israel and the forcible evacuation of Palestinians through war and occupation. Muslims had been the saviours of Jews as it was the Ottomans who sent the ship to save the Jews as they were fleeing the Spanish genocide. It was again the Muslims who saved the Jews from the Crusaders who slaughtered both Muslims and Jews; historical records show that the Jews themselves were preferring Muslims over Crusaders praying for their victory over them.

But all of this changed as the Jews forced their way into Palestine with weapons and made a state for themselves displacing the original inhabitants; thousands of them were slaughtered and millions displaced.

Every day when they are asking for peace bulldozing if Palestinian homes continue relentlessly and settlements are established by the Jews on Palestinian lands. So, how can you say that Muslims are asking for the destruction of Jews; it is in fact the Zionist occupiers who are doing so.

Historically, Muslims and Jews lived in peace for centuries in Palestine until the state of Israel was created. So, there is no reason to believe that Islam teaches us to hate the Jews or take away their rights.

So, peace can only come through justice; and justice requires that the Palestinians are given back their lands, and they enjoy their full rights as they enjoyed before the creation of the State of Israel.

Allah Almighty knows best.
To sum it up: Jews have the right to be dhimmis but not to sovereignty; "peace"=sharia; and the faithful won't rest until "justice" (i.e. Israel's non-existence) is restored.

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