Friday, February 3, 2012

Shoah Denial and the Pathology/Perversity of Israel's Left

There are those who believe that the Haredim pose the gravest threat to Israel's future. Others, however, think Israel's Jewish lefty bien pensants are the ones who'll do the place in (unless an Iranian's oncological "nuke" does the deed first). A piece on the YNet site elucidates the dealings some of the worst of the lefty worst--those twisted souls who use the Holocaust against the Jews and in support of the "new Jews," the Palestinians:
Just like seasonal flu, upon the arrival of remembrance days Israel's media is overcome by a murky wave of opinion pieces by Israeli Shoah-denying intellectuals. I am not referring, heaven forbid, to people who deny the extermination of millions. Even professional holocaust-deniers overseas have changed their rhetoric a while ago. 
The local Shoah-denier is inspired by the radical Left in the world's most prestigious academic institutions. He engages in dwarfing the implications of the Shoah and in minimizing its relative weight as a constitutive event that has no parallel in the history of humanity.
Through verbal juggling, the denier turns the victim of the Holocaust into a belligerent thug who must be restrained, silenced, and preached to. To that end, the term "Shoah trauma" in its various conjugations will be used as a means for explaining the sickening conduct of the Jews living in Israel today. These people, who experienced the Shoah on their own flesh, as well as their descendents, are accused of refusing to leave behind this "post-trauma," which is said to cloud their overall judgment.
The alleged manifestations of this are uncontrollable angry outbursts directed at the weak, be it a new immigrant, a Palestinian or a foreign worker. Notably, Israel's crimes are seen as equal to Nazi crimes. Current-day European states are seen as an enlightened model, a symbol of moderation and tolerance, as if these people are not the ones who not so long ago were responsible for the peak of human barbarity. Indeed, facts and figures do not confuse Holocaust deniers...
Facts? Figures? They but petty irrelevancies to those in the grip of a perverse ideology.

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