Monday, April 16, 2012

Canada's "Charter of Rights and Freedoms" Turns 30. Big Whoop

Lawyers and Trudeaupians may love it, but others of us think we had more rights and freedoms before they were written down. George Jonas speaks for us when he writes:
The Canada in which I landed in 1956 may not have had a Charter of Rights and Freedoms, but it had rights and freedoms galore, making it the envy of the world. The Canada in which I make my home today has a Charter, but Canadians who say they had more rights and freedoms 50 years ago aren't paranoid: They did. There seems to be an inverse relationship between written instruments of freedom, such as a Charter, and freedom itself. It's as if freedom were too fragile to be put into words: If you write down your rights and freedoms, you lose them. Minimally, governments will try to take away every freedom you haven't remembered to include.
For obvious reasons, Harpoon Siddiqui, (the Toronto Star's in-house shill for Islamism), adores the doc, and gushes mightily on the occasion of its momentous anniversary; the Globe and Mail's John Ibbitson does, too, calling the doc, hyperbolically, "Canada's gift to the world."

Update: The crucial right that was pointedly excluded from "Canada's gift" (primarily because the "gift" was drafted by a bunch of leftists).

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