Sunday, April 8, 2012

For Clueless Lefty Jews OMG Means "Obama's My God"

Despite his all-too-evident duplicity ("I has yer back, Israel": yeah, right) American Jews contintue to go ga-ga over the gawdawful narcissist. And as if that weren't bad enough, there's this (h/t: BCF):
One of the most disturbing aspects of modern American Jewish life is the almost obsessive desire of many Jews to universalize every aspect of Jewish belief while downplaying the original meanings of customs and ritual. Leftist Rabbi Arthur Waskow help set this in motion decades ago with his “Freedom Seder” in which he hijacked the Haggadah recited by Jews on Passover to promote other causes. Since then, transposing the seder in order to morph the Jewish holiday that celebrates the freedom of the Jewish people into something that has nothing to do with the Jews and Judaism has become so commonplace it is something of a cliché.
This year, there are more egregious examples of this trend. The National Jewish Democratic Council has published a new version of the “Four Questions” from the Haggadah that is a paean, not to the liberation of the Jews from Egypt, but to the wonders of Barack Obama, to whom the NJDC directs Americans to express thanks rather than their Creator. One need only read the NJDC’s questions to understand their desperation to make up for three years of Israel-bashing by President Obama as well as to get a feel for the attitude of the group toward the president that can only be characterized as worshipful...
We shall now recite the NJDC's blessing: "Barack atta Adonai Eloheinu Melech ha'olum..."

Update: Don't get me started on Palace Jewess Debbie Wasserman-Schultz:

Debbie Wasserman-S.
Debbie Wasserman-S.
Is Barack H. Obama's
Favorite kind of Jewess.
She'll always defend her boss's mess,
His "truth" she'll stress,
His lies supress
With great finesse
(More or less).
Debbie  Wasserman-S.
Debbie Wasserman-S.

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