Peter Wehner writes re Chris Tingle:
For Chris Matthews to compare what Obama said last night at Bagram Air base to the St. Crispin’s day speech is beyond ridiculous. It is to enter a world of fantasy and parody, of obsequiousness and hero-worship, that most of us cannot even imagine.
Yeah, I have to admit my jaw dropped this morning while, on the way to work, I heard Bill Bennett on the car radio talk about Chris Tingle's--I love that sobriquet!--inapt comparison between one of the most inspirational passages in English literature--it actually makes me want to go out and be sick, cold, and wet on a battlefield, while angry foreigners charge at me on enormous war horses (when in real life I think twice about picking up the mail in a drizzle)--and Obama's egotistical bombast. I've never seen a (putatively) heterosexual man have that big a crush on someone of the same sex.