Sunday, May 13, 2012

That Darn Cat (and Others Like Him)

It seems like only yesterday that Zafar Bangash smoked the peace pipe (metaphorically speaking) with a bunch of like-minded Aboriginals.That seemed disturbing enough. But perusing the slate of speakers at the upcoming ISNA Canada Convention--a list that includes some familiar names, including Abdullah Hakim Quick and Bilal Philips--one name in particular jumped out in a Sesame Street one-of-these-things-is-not-like-the-others sort of way:
Cat Criger (Canada)
Cat Criger is an Aboriginal Elder, Traditional Teacher and Mentor from the First Nations People. He is Cayuga (Guyohkohnyoh), Turtle Clan from the Six Nations Haudenosaunee or People of the Longhouse. Cat has been working as a Traditional Teacher and Healer for more than 16 years in the Native and multi-cultural community in Canada, the USA, England and Wales. He was taught in the old way, working for many years with the guidance of an Aniishnawbe Elder (Zaawawagaabo) and other First Nations Elders, and was taught to do traditional ceremonies, teachings, circles, one to one work and to help all people to 'walk in a good way' through life. Cat has also worked as an Elder with numerous and Aboriginal agencies in Ontario and Canada. He served as an executive member of the board of directors for Anishnaawbe Health Toronto for many years. Presently he holds the position of Traditional Elder for UTM, and also does guest lecturing in multiple faculties in the U of T, Mount Sinai Hospital, George Brown College, Toronto/Peel District school boards and takes care of the First Nations House traditional medicine garden at Hart House.
More and more these days, Aboriginals seem to be hooking up with Islamists. Something to keep our eyes on, for sure. 

1 comment:

  1. Everyone wants to pick on the carcass of Western Civilization--or what's left of it--while something is left of it. The Iranians and the usual gamut of terror organizations in their orbit are busy beavers in Latin America; for example, they are embroiled with the various drug cartels and criminal gangs; jihadi literature--in Arabic and Farsi!--has been picked up by U. S. authorities along drug and illegal immigrant trafficking routes in the American Southwest. Iran, of course, has established close relations with a number of anti-Yanqui Latin American governments, most notoriously with Chavez's crew. Until the West remembers (if it remembers) that wars are about destroying your enemies' ability to make war on you, more and more vultures are bound to gather at the carcass for the easy pickings.
