Saturday, May 5, 2012

Today In Absotively, Posilutely Nuthin' To Do With Islam...

A child bride in Afghnistan is said to be recovering after receiving a brutal thrashing from her in-laws:
The plight of 15-year-old Sahar Gul captivated the nation and set off a storm of international condemnation when it came to light in late December. Officials said her husband's family kept her in a basement for six months after her arranged marriage, ripping out her fingernails, breaking her fingers and torturing her with hot irons in an attempt to force her into prostitution.
She was rescued by police in northeastern Baghlan province after an uncle alerted authorities.
Gul's husband's father, mother and sister were each sentenced to 10 years in prison by a court in Kabul on Tuesday, presiding judge Sibghatullah Razi said.
Also found guilty were Gul's husband, a member of the Afghan army, and her brother-in-law, both of whom have been on the run since her case became public, Razi said. He said the men will be sentenced when they are captured.
Gul was present for the decision, telling the court that she wanted her in-laws "severely punished" for what they had put her through, Razi said. She has filed an appeal for a longer sentence with the help of the Women for Afghan Women, a group that works for women's rights in the country and has been caring for the teenager since her rescue.
"Of course we are not happy with the court's decision," said Huma Safi, program manager for the group.
How can such things happen when the kafir's presence, so we are told, has been a boon to Afghanistan's chicks? That one's easily explained:
There has been progress in women's rights since the 2001 U.S.-led campaign that toppled the Taliban regime, which banned girls' schools and prevented women from leaving the house unless accompanied by a male relative.
But ending abuse remains a huge challenge in Afghanistan's patriarchal society, where traditional practices include child marriage, giving girls away to settle debts or pay for their relatives' crimes and so-called honor killings in which women seen as disgracing their families are murdered by their relatives.
Yeah, we seem to be making real progress in those parts. If we stick around--oh, I dunno--another few decades or so...things would probably be exactly the same.

Update: In other "nuthin' to do with Islam news," Mali Islamists attack UNESCO holy site in Timbuktu. In other words, they attacked a kafir holy site.

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