Friday, June 1, 2012

Concordia U a Hotbed of Islamism?

Sounds like it is. Invaluable Quebec blogger Pointe de Bascule writes:
At the beginning of April 2012, MSA-Concordia organized an election to choose a new president. The election lasted three days. Less than 70 students went to cast their ballots for the two candidates according to an article published on the MSA-Concordia website. In 2010, there were 6,000 Muslim students at Concordia according to an article published by the Link.

In his communiqué, the retiring MSA president Museb Abu-Thuraia announced that Murtaza Khan was elected and Abdel Latif Khoumaiss came second.

For years, the University administration paid in the vicinity of $15,000 a year to rent a prayer space outside the campus that had been requested by MSA-Concordia.

MSA-Concordia operates its own Islamic library (Reflections) in University premises. It is funded by the Concordia Council of Student Life. Books by authors such as Hassan al-Banna, Sayyid Qutb, Youssef Qaradawi, Syed Maududi and others are endorsed by the Muslim Brotherhood. They promote offensive jihad and sharia, they legitimize the beating of wives by their husband, they advocate the killing of apostates, etc.

In the fall of 2011, MSA-Concordia took the initiative to invite Islamists preachers Abdur-Raheem Green and Hazma Tzortzis. In the past, these men advocated the killing of homosexuals, they condoned domestic violence towards women, etc.

Asked by the Link to justify MSA’s invitation to these preachers, then-MSA president Museb Abu-Thuraia answered: “For me, in principle, I had nothing against the speakers or the association. We looked at the group and their goal, and it seemed fine with us.”...
Since the MSA is part and parcel of the Muslim Brotherhood, that's hardly a shockeroo.

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