Wednesday, August 1, 2012

CIJA Chief Tells Jewish Trib That Meeting With the PA's Abbas Is No Biggie, Merely Biz as Usual for Canucki Official Jews

The Jewish Tribune's superb reporter Joanne Hill asked Head Official Jew Shimon Fogel why his outfit, CIJA, felt the need to race to Ramallah for a meeting with Mahmoud "Stinky" Abbas. Fogel explained that, first,
other CIJA reps were already in Israel to attend three conferences and thus were presented with “a convenient opportunity to go to Ramallah.”
M'kay. But why go there at all? According to the horse's mouth (or patootie--take your pick)
Similar meetings between the PA and CIJA’s predecessor, The Canada-Israel Committee, have taken place “for decades,” said Fogel in an email. “We find it useful to hear their perspective, understand their messaging and consider their evolving (or not) positions on the issues of the day. All of this insight provides us with an enhanced ability to shape and adjust our own strategy in support of Israel.”
You find it useful?!? Canada's Official Jewry reps have been meeting with these creeps "for decades"?!?

Why is it that we non-Official Jews, the Jewish hoi-polloi so to speak, haven't heard about these ongoing meetings before now? Why the subterfuge? Might it be because had these confabs become public knowledge earlier, there would have been a public outcry that might have put an end to them? And, sorry, but it must be said: if you swollen-headed fools seriously believe you need to meet with the FATah-heads in order to get a sense of what's what, then you, my friends, you should pardon the expression, have caca for brains.

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