Wednesday, August 15, 2012

For All Intents and Porpoises--the Ontario Sergeant-at-Arms' Ludicrous Reason for Okaying the Queen's Park Al Quds Day Seeth-a-thon Merely Another Scene in McGuinty's Theatre of the Absurd

Sure, in the past the Khomeinists behind the annual Queen's Park Hate Israel Day have likened the Jewish State to a "cancer" in dire need of radical treatment (nuclear eradication/radiation would do the trick, no?), but this year--this year--will be different. No, really. They promise. You can trust 'em for sure. And guess what? The man who is arguably the dimmest--or is it the dhimmiest?--man at Queen's Park actually believes it:
[Ontario Sergeant-at-Arms Dennis] Clark told The CJN that he met with organizers of the rally and told “them what they can or can’t do. It has to be lawful.”

However, “It’s important that we don’t censor events, as long as they stay within the law.
“If they step over the line, we’re going to monitor it closely,” with members of his staff and Toronto police on hand. “Police will “determine if it’s in the best public interest to do something then or later. Public safety is paramount,” he said.

Clark said he's aware of last year’s rally and of concerns it will be repeated. But, he continued, “we go by their intent today. They say they will play within the rules and ensure that nothing will cross the line.”
Their "intent," eh? Well, Sarge, their "intent" is to exterminate the "Zionists" as a prelude to the return of their long-departed messiah, the adorable twelfth imam. But I'm sure that never came up during your heart-to-heart discussion with these creeps.

I predict that the Khomeinists will "cross the line"--sans line-crossing/bloviating about the Zionist "cancer," Al Quds Day just wouldn't be Al Quds Day--and that neither the police nor the McShiftys will do diddly about it.

Update: You can be sure that a noted Jewish "human and civil rights advocate" and hate-hater has plenty to say about all the hate at Queen's Park. Or will momentarily. Like, say, maybe later today. Or tomorrow. Before Shabbat, for sure.

Then again, if you're waiting to be tapped for the cushiest sinecure in the province and don't want to risk doing anything to jeopardize your appointment, keeping it zipped is probably the best--no, the only--way to proceed.

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