Wednesday, August 15, 2012

"Never in my wildest dreams, 67 years after escaping from the Nazi regime would I have imagined hearing people call for the extermination of the Jewish homeland … in my own backyard"

Holocaust survivor Hank Rosenbaum is sickened by the Khomeinists' foul hatred being conducted on the grounds and under the imprimatur of Queen's Park. He writes:
Last year, during an Al-Quds Day rally, Ontario residents were shocked to learn that the grounds of our provincial legislature were being used as a platform for extremist rhetoric with strong elements of racism and antisemitism.

The 2011 event was adorned with flags of Hezbollah, an organization designated as a terrorist entity by Canada and most of the western world, and responsible for multiple missile attacks on citizens in Northern Israel.

One of the featured speakers at last year’s rally described President Obama as “this Black man in the White House” who would “rather have Americans starve to death” than say ‘no’ to the “Zionist parasitical state.” Israelis were described as “racists,” “inhuman” and “barbarians,” and Israel was referred to as a “cancer” that must be “killed to make sure the body stays alive.”

Much to our dismay, a permit has been granted for this rally to once again take place at Queen’s Park this weekend, offering a platform for bigotry and hatred.

How can an event that is so contrary to our core Canadian values and so out of place on our legislative grounds, be allowed to proceed? The Sergeant-At-Arms is asking those who oppose the use of Queen’s Park for this rally to contact the police about potential violations of the Criminal Code.

With all due respect, we believe he is missing the point...
With all due respect to Mr. Rosenbaum, the point is that that's how things work here in Ontario, where Barbara Hall reigns as "human rights" Czarina, and certain types of hate are perfectly acceptable--i.e. the sort embodied and expressed by non-white hegemons (as they say in kooky, Marxist "human rights"-speak). Also, the Khomeinists get a pass from Sarge because they rail against "Zionists," not "the Jews" (even though to them and other Jew-haters the terms are interchangeable). Also, one has the sense that Sarge doesn't want to mess with angry dudes who hoist Hezbo flags: those guys are scary!

Update: Unless he's unwell or out of town, you can expect noted local Khomeinist Zafar Bangash to show up and speak at the Queen's Park Al Quds Day Seethe-a-thon. Here's an example of the sort of thing that might pop out of his mouth. It's from the latest issue of Crescent, "Newsmagazine of the Islamic movement":
It is the US and the illegitimate Zionist entity that pose an existential threat to Islamic Iran and to peace and stability in the region. 
Conjuring up the non-existent threat from Iran’s peaceful nuclear program is merely a pretext to camouflage US imperial designs and maintain Zionist supremacy in the region.
Zaffy can utter such patent falsehoods while maintaining a straight face because he's one of Canada's foremost practioners of taqiyyah--which he's been practising for a very long time.

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