Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Oh, Those Syrian "Rebels." They're So Goshdarned Affable

From Reuters:
Rebel fighter Ahmed chuckles as he tells the story of the Syrian army sniper who was captured and executed by rebels, shot dead after a "trial" conducted at his own graveside. 
He says Rami the sniper, firing from a high minaret at the local mosque, killed many rebels and civilians before he was seized by fighters from Ahmed's Amr bin al-Aas brigade which operates around the northern Syrian town of Azaz.

"We took him right to his grave and, after hearing the witnesses' statements, we shot him dead," said Ahmed, who has a rich, black beard and a broad, easy smile...
That's a real knee-slapper, Reuters. For a story about a blood-thirsty "executioner" who may well be psycopathic, I mean.

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