Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wahhabis to Build a Chicks Only City, Thereby Showing the World How That Apartheid Thing Is Really Done

Israel has been falsely branded an apartheid state, in the ignominious tradition of pre-truth-and-reconciliation-era South Africa, for one specific reason: to render the Jewish state's existence morally indefensible so that its destruction can be justified on moral grounds.

Now, that's what you call a Jew-hate twofer: it's both evil and ingenious.

Saudi Arabia, on the other hand, practices gender apartheid openly and wholeheartedly, and hardly anyone in the "international community" has anything negative to say about it. You can be sure that the Wahhabis' genuine apartheid won't engender the same sort of outrage that Israel's chimerical, which is to say non-existent, apartheid does. So if the Wahhabis decide to build an entire industrial city in which to sequester the sharia-decreed second class gender, a veritable Chicks' City, you know that no one who bashes Israel for its "apartheid"--not Western feminists, or the Utopian left, or denizens of universities which celebrate an anual Israeli Apartheid Week, or Queen's Park Al Quds Day revelers--will give it so much as a second thought.

They would, were it a way to get rid of Israel. But since it isn't, they won't.

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