Thursday, August 16, 2012

What the Khomeinists' Al Quds Day is All About

It's about genocide, plain and simple:
A senior Iranian defense official says that destroying Israel is the only viable option to stop “injustices” by the Jewish state against Palestinians.

Gholam Reza Jalali, head of an Iranian military unit in charge of fighting sabotage said Wednesday that the upcoming international al-Quds Day “is an expression of the fact that there is no other way but to stand firm and resist until Israel is destroyed.”

Al-Quds Day will be commemorated this Friday, as millions of Shiites in Iran, Pakistan, south Lebanon and Bahrain are set to protest Israel’s actions.

A rally will also take place at Queen’s Park in Toronto, Ont. this Saturday as this year’s annual International Day of al-Quds will be commemorated on the legislature’s grounds.

Organizers say they plan to“express solidarity with all the oppressed of the world” and to “particularly remember the innocent civilians of Palestine who have been, and continue to be victimized by the oppressive and racist Zionist regime,” at this year’s demonstration.

“The world's Muslims must help and support the Palestinian people until Palestine is liberated,” said Jalali in a statement, adding that Iran is more steadfast than ever in the face of “Zionist threats” and that Syria's Islamic front has become stronger as well...
Syria's Islamic front is wickedness personified, as is Iran.

Update: Shia TV doesn't even bother to hide its evil intent:

Quds is ours!! Oh, Allah please cleanse Al-Quds from the Zionists.
Update: Al Quds has been "usurped by godless people," 'splains this Khomeinist.

Update: The Grandiose Ayatollah is delighted that yet another Al Quds day is upon us:

TEHRAN (FNA)- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei underlined the importance of this year's International Quds Day rallies, and reiterated that liberation of the Palestinian territories from the hands of the usurper Zionist regime is the responsibility of all Muslims.

Ayatollah Khamenei noted that liberating Palestine from the grip of Israel and its allies is a religious duty for all Muslims across the world.

He also called for an enthusiastic participation in demonstrations marking International Quds Day.

During a meeting with hundreds of veterans from the Iraq-Iran war on Wednesday, Ayatollah Khamenei said that a high turnout on Quds Day would give a crushing response to the enemies of Islam and Palestinians.

The Leader described the occupation of the Palestinian territories and the formation of the Israeli regime as the root of evil in the Middle East.

"Had this conspiracy not taken place, these wars, divisions, and interventions by colonialists and oppressors would not have occurred," the Leader stated.

The last Friday of the holy month of Ramadan is dubbed as 'the international Quds Day' during which worldwide Muslims stage demonstrations to voice their strong protest and outrage at the occupying regime of Israel.

The International Quds Day was started by the late Founder of the Islamic Republic, Imam Khomeini, as a way of expressing solidarity with the Palestinians and underscoring importance of Quds to Muslims.

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