Friday, August 17, 2012

You're Right, Chris, There's No "Muslim Tide." It's More Like a Muslim Tsunami

How funny is it that the "deep thoughts" of Chris Selley, arguably the least insightful of all the NatPo opiners, are adorned with a photo showing the crush of tens of thousands around the Magic Black Box in Mecca during the annual hajj?

Since a just released Pew Poll reveals that Muslims comprise more that one quarter of humanity--and, no, not all of them are terribly interested in any of the Islamic triumphalism jihad-is-the-means-to-sharia blather, and, yes, becoming a shahid for Allah is definitely of limited appeal to the vast majority--surely even Chris would admit that that Muslims can sure push their weight around. Which, come to think of it, is exactly what's happening with these global al Quds Day rallies. And the fact that Selley can't see that is a failing of his, and of the paper that elevated this puffy-faced nobody/know-nothing and gave him a high-profile spot in its pages.

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