Tuesday, September 11, 2012

9/11 Just Wouldn't Be 9/11 Without Muslims Whining About Their Hurt Feelings

Here's a taste, written by a Queen's University student.

And here's what Daniel Greenfield has to say about the point of such kvetching:
No commemoration of the day that 3,000 people were murdered by Muslim terrorists would be complete without more Muslim whining that they are the real victims of their own attacks.

CNN has decided that the best way to commemorate September 11 would be with an editorial from one Sumbul Ali-Karamali with the obscene title, “American Muslims live in fear 11 years after 9/11″. 
Right. They do. It’s not Americans who have to live in fear. It’s not Americans who are targeted for terrorist plots by Muslims in America every single year. It’s not Americans who are afraid of being killed, it’s Muslims, who have to “live in fear” because someone somewhere said something mean to them.
Shall we compare the number of Americans killed by Muslims in the last ten years with the number of Muslims in America killed for reasons of prejudice? The numbers would be lacking to the point of absurdity.

This shameless whinefest isn’t about fear, it’s about political influence. It’s devoid of even the faintest tinge of human decency. Like the Ground Zero Mosque, the goal is to hijack the dialogue and make it all about Muslims. On September 11 and on Ground Zero, there is this egotistical obsession with defiling even the graves of the dead.

“The defamatory rhetoric directed at Muslims and Islam in this country has little to do with the actual religion or its adherents and everything to do with fear of the Other,” Sumbul Ali-Karamali asserts.

Clearly. Today we commemorate an event that had no basis in reality, just fear of the other. The World Trade Center, Fort Hood, Times Square, the Portland Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, the Christmas Flight Bombing Plot and so many others… just fear of the other.

There’s nothing about Islam that leads its adherents to commit violence. And when terrorist after terrorist gets up in court and quotes the Koran, that has nothing to do with Islam. Over a thousand years of horrifying atrocities never happened either...


  1. Can you blame Islamists for using the Islamophobia schtick to misdirect attention from the realities of their jihad? That trail has been blazed (with great success) by American black radicals and the racial shakedown artists they have spawned since the 1960s . . . I'm still waiting for the dreaded "white backlash" that was constantly predicted by the liberal intelligentsia and their running dogs in the MSM during the horrible years of race riots in the latter part of that dreadful decade.

  2. Kipling's (now-shocking) line about "lesser breeds without the law, from "Recessional," somehow came to mind as I was reading this post.
