Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Just When You Think Official Canadian Jewry Can't Get Any Stupider, It Does

If you thought the now-defunct Canadian Jewish Congress was bad, what with its pro-state censorship schemes and Darfur schmoozathons with Mia Farrow, it can't hold a candle in the doltishness department to CIJA, the racket that dismantled and replaced it (and that gets mega-millions annually from the Jewish community). Jewish Tribune reporter Joanne Hill documents the latest CIJA WTF?!:
Less than a month after the King of Jordan welcomed Canada’s Foreign Minister John Baird to his office and accepted a pledge of $6.5 million in aid, the king asked a visiting delegation from the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) for help in raising money and spreading a message that blames Israel and calls for a divided Jerusalem.

The Sept. 2 meeting between CIJA and King Abdullah II of Jordan followed CIJA’s controversial June 24 tête-à-tête with Palestinian Authority (PA) President Mahmoud Abbas (Abu Mazen). Upon learning about the earlier meeting, members of the Jewish community expressed outrage that by meeting with Mazen – who has adamantly refused to meet with Israel’s elected officials – CIJA gave him a platform by which to bypass Israel’s leadership and lecture Canadian Jews on what he thinks Israel should be doing.

News of the latest foray into general Middle East security matters by CIJA has aroused the anger of members of the Jewish community again. The Jewish Tribune has learned that donors and former CIJA members have made their displeasure known to Federation leadership.

“I can see no possible justification for UJA Federation support for a group that sees its mission as conducting international diplomacy and, worse, promoting the foreign policy interests of first the PA and now Jordan,” said Joseph Shier...
Sorry, I thought it was supposed to be Canada's Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs, not the Centre for Freelance Canadian Jewish Buttinskys.

Update: It doesn't take much to make Official Jewry behave like dupes and fools. All it takes, as per this report in the CJN, is a little flattery, judiciously applied:
Officials with the Centre for Israel and Jewish Affairs (CIJA) met with King Abdullah of Jordan in Amman last week to discuss how Canada can help the peace process and how it might ease the country’s growing financial burden stemming from an influx of Syrian refugees into the Hashemite kingdom.
The Sept. 2 meeting was the result of a direct invitation by the king, according to CIJA CEO Shimon Fogel, who was part of the delegation.

He said the overture was received “in the summer” and that the king likely had developed an interest in CIJA through talks with Palestinian leaders. CIJA representatives met with Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and other PA officials in June.

Also at the meeting were Jordanian Foreign Minister Nasser Judeh, CIJA chair David Koschitzky, and CIJA board members Steven Cummings and Morris Perlis, as well as Marc Gold, chair of Jewish Federations of Canada-UIA.

“CIJA is recognized as having a particular level of access to government. Often, other [political actors] have sought to get our help to advance their own interests, and I don’t know that that was different” with Jordan, Fogel said.

Israel’s Foreign Ministry and Canada’s Department of Foreign Affairs both lent support to the meeting, CIJA said.

“King Abdullah engaged in a very open discussion about the challenges in the region, and in particular those faced by Jordan,” CIJA said in a Sept. 4 statement...
King Abdullah is playing you like Isaac Stern with a well-tuned Stradivarius, Shimon. The fact that you don't know it shows how short-sighted, dumb and vain you really are!

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