Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Obama's "New" Ideas Are Reactionary, Retrogressive Retreads

The Obamaniacs are accusing the Republicans of being so out of touch, so passe, that their ideas are relics that properly belong waaaay back in the 20th Century.

I'd say they go back even farther--to the Founding Fathers and their belief in "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness"--not to mention their sense that the best kind of federal government is a small, thrifty, unintrusive one. Contrast that with Obama's failed ideas ("FORWARD."? Ha!), which are about as cutting edge as, say, the worst of John Maynard Keyes married to the "best" of  Karl Marx. Which is to say, they're anachronistic without the benefit of having stood the test of time.

Speaking of bad, old ideas, it's instructive to take another glance at Obama's infamous Cairo Speech. In light of what it wrought--not a rapprochement with the Muslim world, but the rejection of America from any say it might have in the future of the Middle East--it is particularly difficult to watch. I'm a huge advocate, though, of staring truth in the eye, no matter how much it makes you squirm. As such, I'd advise everyone who wants to know what's what to read what Daniel Goldman (a.k.a. Spengler) has to say about the mess in Egypt that is the direct result of Obama's imbecilic ideas.

How can anyone not shudder at the prospect of four more years of this pompous man and his skewed worldview?

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