Thursday, September 6, 2012

Opening One's Eyes to Doug Saunders' Immigration Scam

Tidal bore Doug Saunders trusts we'll all swallow his codswallop about the mythical tide of Muslim immigration in the hopes that it'll ward off the incipient Anders Breiviks out there. As if closing one's eyes to reality is the way to defang the crazies in our midst. A saner approach to the new reality of Muslim immigration--which, while it may not constitute a "tide" is certainly not a trickle--can be found on the LETTERS page of the National Post:
Re: The ‘Muslim Tide’ That Wasn’t, Doug Saunders, Aug. 29.
Doug Saunders assembles a great deal of data and argumentation in an effort to prove that the notion Western countries are facing a “Muslim Tide” is nothing more than a myth. The fact is, however, that, because of our unnecessarily high immigration levels, a country such as Canada is projected to have a Muslim population of 6.6% less than 20 years from now. This will put us on a par with the current situation in Western European countries that are having major problems with the integration of their growing Muslim populations. 
Although Mr. Saunders claims that there is no “Muslim Tide” occurring in Western countries, it would be difficult for anyone to describe as a mere ripple the growth of Canada’s Muslim population from 98,000 in 1981 to a projected 2,870,000 in 2031 (according to the Pew Forum). This increase will have taken it, for example, from being one-third the size of Canada’s Jewish community to being almost seven times as large in the space of just five decades. In the circumstances, there may be increased pressure for the introduction of Shariah law in Canada and for changes in Canadian society to accommodate Muslim customs and traditions. Also, at the foreign policy level, increased pressure to give more support to the Arab side than to Israel in the Middle East conflict.
Martin Collacott, spokesperson for the Centre for Immigration Policy Reform, Vancouver.
Given these, yes, alarming, numbers, you can count on one thing. By 2031, Canada will be a far less pleasant domicile for Jewry--as Western Europe is today. And all the interfaithy tasty samosa gatherings aren't going to change that distressing fact.

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