Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Mamas and the 'Bamas

Barack and Michi were gettin' kind of itchy
'Cuz they didn't know if they would return.
Dave and Joey, lookin' sorta doughy,
Hoped the voters they wouldn't learn
That another term of "Hope 'n' Spend"
Meant America's great bender
Would never end.
Hil, Napolitano, so incompetano
In D.C., they've had their success.
And everyone's a hot mess like Debbie Wasserman S.

Joey said, "Barry, you know you can carry
Enough of those blue states to win; yes, we can!"
Barry said, "Joey, it's so hard to know if we
Can pull it off once again."
Chris Matthews' leg is all a-tingle.
The media's got 'Bam's back--
He's their one and single.
Hil, Napolitano, both incompitano
In D.C., one can't help but stress.
And everyone's a real hot mess
Includin' Deb W.S.

When Barry went to Harvard
It was no graveyard.
Gave a boost to his big career.
Organizin' people,
(Do not call them sheeple)
Hadn't a scintilla of fear.
Knew how to do a Saul Alinsky.
His cool and slick demeanour
Made the voters grin, see?
Dave and Rahm Emanuel
Had a clever plan to
Install a man the nation would bless.
And now they're hidin' his hot mess
Like Debbie Wasserman S.

Speed bumps, big slumps, country's takin' its lumps
While Barry's teeing off on the green.
Solyndra's shuttered;
Palms are gettin' buttered,
While folks watch Honey B. on the screen.
(If they keep on viewing skanks and rubes
They may not notice when the joint go down the tubes.)
H. Reid and N. Pelosi think they really know, see?
In D.C., the place they love best.
And everybody's a hot mess like Deb W.S.

Broke, fallin', it's gallin', economy is stallin'
And Barack, alas, he hasn't a clue.
The country won't make it,
They'll have to try and fake it.
Say Ryan's Goebbels all they can do.
Greasin' on more loans from China;
It's dynamite they'll all ignore in Carolina.
Barry's cool vibrations and their machinations
Can go on indefinitely.
And four more years of 'Bama
Will be bringin' a catastrophe.

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