Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Big Bird Meets Big Spender

As expected, the flailing Obamaites have been making much of Romney's promise to force Big Bird to fend for himself in the free market. Thereby making the POTUS look very puny indeed:
Mr. Obama is mocking a small effort to reduce federal spending, but it would be funnier if Mr. Obama hadn't also rejected all the larger efforts too. From Congressional Republicans. From his own Simpson-Bowles deficit commission. From a bipartisan group in the Senate. At the San Francisco event, as at the debate, as at every other campaign event this year, Mr. Obama offered no plan to move the government's spending into the same galaxy with its revenues.
That's because the unflappable one (and I don't mean Big Bird) doesn't sweat the big stuff.

Or the small stuff.

Update: The bird thanks his ostensible saviour for his sweet, sweet charity (sorry, just couldn't resist):

The minute you strolled into view
I could tell you were a statist statesman,
A real big spender.
Good lookin',
Loved to talk.
Now wouldn't you know Mitt Romney would
Attack like a hawk?
So lemme get right to the point:
Even though we both belong to that one percent,
Hey, big spender,
For spendthrifts you are heaven sent...

Update: L is for Loser.

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