Tuesday, January 8, 2013

CAIR-CAN "Human Rights" Officer Puts Alarming CSIS Report About Islamic Extremists "In Context"

Remember when I predicted that that CSIS report would elicit charges of "Islamophobia" from the usual suspects?

Okay, so I'm not exactly Nostradamus, but I do know how folks with a vested interest in keeping you in the dark about jihad, sharia, and Islamic supremacism operate. And how, um, nice of the National Post to offer prime op-ed space to this CAIR-CAN operative, so she can claim, laughably, that Osama bin Laden and Anwar Al-Awlaki notwithstanding, extreme devotion is inimical to extreme violence:
There have been countless studies that offer context and background to our understanding of radicalization. Demos, a UK-based think tank, produced an in-depth study in 2010 based on interviews with British and Canadian convicted terrorists and religious radicals. One of the study’s conclusions pointed out that holding radical ideas did not necessarily lead to violence, and that in fact “religious radicals” are distinct from terrorists, and can even be key allies in the fight against those who would promote the use of violence. 
The U.S. Department of Defense released a study in 2010 that concluded: “Identifying potentially dangerous people before they act is difficult. Examinations after the fact show that people who commit violence usually have one or more risk factors for violence. Few people in the population who have risk factors, however, actually [commit violent acts].” 
Additionally, the Department of Homeland Security and National Counterterrorism Centre has indicated that “while Islam can be used to justify acts of terrorism, radicalization is not caused by Islam."
Dhimmified poppycock courtesy Barack Hussein Obama, the man who brought you "countering violent extremism" and "man-caused disasters." The reality, of course, is that most of the time radicalization is caused by radical imams preaching stuff like this. And whether or not the radicalization results in violent acts of jihad or in completely non-violent ones (sharia banking and the like), the goal remains the same: Islam calling the shots everywhere, for all time.

Update: "Amira Elghawaby is a contributing editor at rabble.ca." 'Nuff said.

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