Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Muslim Writer Calls "Islamophobia" a Muslim Creation

Tahir Gora, a brave man, spills the beans on the phony phobia:
What do I mean by "self-created fear of Islamophobia"? Do I dare to say that Islamophobia actually doesn't exist at all? Yep, it didn't exist but some of our Islamic centres created the term and spread it around through their actions.  
What were those actions? By not denouncing armed Jihad against those Western societies where they are abode now, by not calling a spade a spade such as honour killings, Taliban's attack on Malala Yousafzai, AlQaeda's sectarian war against minorities in the Middle East, North Africa, Pakistan and Afghanistan, etc,.     
However, the fact that over 90 per cent of Muslims are not associated with any Islamic organisation or mosque and visit it no more than once or twice a year. That alone should make America skeptical of Islamist groups like CAIR, ISNA, ICNA and MSA.
Wow. Such truths are expressed so rarely that it's almost mind-blowing (in a good way) to read them--and in the HuffPo, of all places. That said, despite its relatively small numbers, the Islamist minority remains "formidable."

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