Sunday, January 6, 2013

Next Up in the "Differently Sexual" Victim Group Category and in Dire Need of "Human Rights"?


1 comment:

  1. Yeah, no doubt about it, we're (I paraphrase) "one transgressive play and two sensitive movies," as your comrade-blogress Kathy Shaidle likes to say, away from the pedos gaining a beachhead of general tolerance for this most repellent of perversions. So far, they have been contained--thanks largely to the brave resistance led by the much-maligned, marginalized (by the Leftist establishment) Laura Schlessinger and Judith Reisman--within the fringe of the mental health professions (e.g., the B4U-ACT group loosely affiliated with Johns Hopkins University's Sexual Behavior Consultation Unit).

    Much as I want to think that general social acceptance of pedophilia is a step too far in the Gramscian long march through the core institutions of Western Civilization, I thought the same once about the forced acceptance of homosexual behavior, and my parents before me did about the acceptance of such things as no-fault divorce and free-and-easy cohabitation by young men and women of good family.
