Monday, January 7, 2013

Re Jew-Hate in Europe, Everything New Is Old Again

Back in the bad old days of the Nazis, Jews were forced to wear yellow stars so as to identify themselves as despised Juden. These days, Jews qua Jews are still detested in Western Europe, but it's the existence of Israel that fans the flames of pathological rage--a contemporary form of Jew-hate which I have dubbed "Zionhass." That being so, yellow stars are out, and, writes Bruce Bawer, Jews must take pains to disguise the fact of their Jewishness lest they attract the attention of some latter-day Nazi whose family provenance lies somewhere in Dar al Islam:
For instance: a Jewish theological seminary in Potsdam has asked its rabbis not to wear yarmulkes in public. Pupils at a Jewish school in Berlin have been warned to speak German, not Hebrew, on school trips – and to wear baseball caps over their yarmulkes “so you don’t give stupid people something to get annoyed about.” Jews at Rome’s main synagogue now remove their yarmulkes when leaving services; so do Jews in Malmö, Sweden. A Jewish teacher at an adult education center in Kristiansand, Norway, has been told “that wearing the star could be deemed a provocation towards the many Muslim students at the school.” And so on. 
The reason for all this cautious behavior, of course, is to avoid the fate of people like the Paris Metro passenger who, [journalist Giulio] Meotti noted, was recently beaten unconscious by a mob who pegged him as Jewish because he was reading a book by Paris’s chief rabbi. 
Even Meotti’s laundry list didn’t come close to covering the full range of despicable anti-Semitic outrages, and reactions thereto, that have occurred in Western Europe of late. One example: in early December, it was reported that in the wake of episodes at Edinburgh University in which an Israeli diplomat was “mobbed” and a speech by Israel’s ambassador was “disrupted by chanting students waving Palestinian flags,” many Jewish students, fed up with the “toxic atmosphere” (and, in some cases, scared to publicly identify as Jewish) had left for other colleges – and other countries...
It's called Islamization, people, and it's in other countries--such as Canada (the place where the campus Israeli Apartheid Week movement was spawned)--too. Given that, there may soon be no place left to run except to Israel. 

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